meet nellie labs.

We are people developers who imagine, explore, and build experiences that change the way humans navigate relationships with ourselves and each other. 

one part lab.
one part studio.
one part playground.

We collaborate with organizations, communities, and individuals seeking to operate from an empowered place.

Founder’s note

You found us – welcome!

I trust that you’re supposed to be here, and that you, like me, are longing to transform a pocket of your world – or THE world – into the nourishing, equitable, creative place of abundance you know it has the potential to be.

You’ve glimpsed this world in moments of joy and bliss and flow. You’ve lamented its absence in periods of frustration, grief, and pain. It’s danced into your consciousness, perhaps at work in some capacity, while ambling through your neighborhood, amidst a local community event, or in conversation with family or friends.

I created Nellie Labs so that we can shepherd this world into being, together.

Nellie Labs is a place where people development practices transcend tradition and meet the realm of innovative social healing focused on both the individual and the collective.

Here, we view the taboo as an inspired invitation to explore the shadows needing our attention. Moreover, we operate from a place of deep curiosity and commitment to social justice, and hold a bias towards experiential, experimental learning. Our favorite question is: what might happen if…?

One time, we designed a funeral for a dead office space to support an organization’s transition to fully remote work. Another time, we held all-hands weekly witnessing meetings to help an organization plant seeds of trust and belonging. Our eponymous inaugural project, a self-advocacy toolkit to support birthing people in preparing for empowered birth, reflects in vivid color how Nellie Labs shows up in the world.

Whether you want to collaborate or nerd out about people development and healing social ecosystems, I’d love to hear about the world of your dreams and what you long for. Send me a note here.


Emily (she/her)
Founder & CEO, Nellie Labs

Collab with the lab.

Curious about transforming your relationships, community, or workplace? We'd love to hear more and see how we can support you in supporting your people – whether through an experimental experience in product, program, or process.

Have a project or idea you’re interested in discussing? Drop us a note using the button below – fill us in and we’ll follow up. Let us know your mission, your project/idea, and what your biggest challenges are!